Journal of

Anglo-Portuguese Studies n.27



The history of Anglo-Portuguese Studies began, essentially, with the study of the travel accounts of British visitors to Portugal, closely followed by the analysis of the influence of Portuguese literary and cultural fgures on Great Britain. In this issue, we revisit these ground breaking perspectives through three very different texts. In “O Brasil nas Obras de Pero Gândavo e Richard Hakluyt”, Bianca Batista and Luis Montez comment on the travels of Englishmen in places which were still Portuguese at the time, drawing the attention of researchers in Anglo-Portuguese Studies to the possible existence of much material on Brazil published in Britain before 1822, which still remains to be investigated. Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa in “Inês de Castro in English Literature” re-visits the topic of her opus magna, Inês de Castro. Um Tema Português na Europa (1997), the third edition of which is at the printers (reviewed and augmented). In the present article the author focusses on the reception of Inês de Castro in English Literature, mainly in the 19th and 20th centuries, adding new material which has been discovered in the meantime. The text reveals the importance of Anglo-Portuguese literary links during these periods, inspired by the almost mystical fgure of Inês and the theme of the survival of love after death. Finally, in pursuit of the echoes of Camões’ writing in England, Teresa Pinto Coelho, who now belongs to the Editorial Committee of the journal, examines the work of the great Lusophile of our day, Landeg White, the translator of Os Lusíadas and the Poesia Lírica, who died in 2017. Although the review deals specifcally with his last novel, Ultimatum, the text is also a tribute to this major fgure in the world of Anglo-Portuguese Studies. Travel accounts, which have been studied for themselves alone, as mentioned above, have also acted as the points of departure for the construction of fctional narratives which take place in Portugal at the time it was visited. The encounter between the Self and the Other is fctionalised, in this way, into novels which were based on real displacement. This is the case of “A Viagem de Anne Seymour Damer a Lisboa (1790-1791) e a Representação de Portugal Pitoresco, Católico e Sentimentalista como Espaço de Convalescença e Aprendizagem em Belmour (1801) e na Correspondência da Escultora” by Rogério Miguel Puga, which examines one of these fctionalised narratives, which displays many of the features of the sentimental novels of the second half of the eighteenth century.
Anglo-Portuguese relations are punctuated by episodes which are somewhat complex, due to the fact that the true issues at stake are camouflaged by others. The question of (the abolition of) slavery is a paradigmatic case, as it interfered, often in an ambiguous fashion, with the relationship between Portugal and Great Britain, as can be seen from José Baptista de Sousa’s “‘Anti-Slave Trade Cruzader’: Lord Holland’s Contribution to the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its Impact on the Anglo-Portuguese Political and Diplomatic Relations”, in which Lord Holland’s link to Portugal should be emphasised, as well as in the text by Rui Miguel Martins Mateus, “Uma Controvérsia Luso-Britânica: o Caso do Cacau de São Tomé”. Taking articles in
O Século between 1907 and 1913 as his source, the author analyses the British chocolate-makers’ campaign, which once again, shook Anglo-Portuguese relations and provoked the appearance of Anglophobia in journalistic discourse. Images of Portugal during the Estado Novo regime appear in this issue in different ways. António Lopes’ article “Salazar, London and the Process of European Integration up until the Signing of the Treaty of Rome” takes a comparatist viewpoint (a defning factor in AngloPortuguese Studies) in his study of the political agendas of Portugal and Great Britain towards the Treaty of Rome (1957). By way of contrast, Maria Zulmira Castanheira’s article “Spellbinding Portugal: Two British Women’s Travel Voices” analyses the curious views of women on Salazar’s Portugal.
As mentioned in previous issues, Anglo-Portuguese Studies are linked quite naturally to Translation Studies, in as far as the work of translation not only involves the encounter between two cultures – in this case those of Portugal and Great Britain –, but also projects images of identity and alterity, even facilitating the encounter of the translator/author with himself. This is what occurs in the case of Mário Bruno Cruz’s text – “Joyce Carol Oates Traduz um Autor Português: Ela Própria” – in which the question is put as to how far it is possible for
an American writer who had never visited Portugal to discover herself by way of a supposed encounter with the writing of Fernando Pessoa, in a kind of exercise in self translation. Rita Faria’s article – “‘The Red Plague Rid You For Learning Me Your Language!’ – Standard and NonStandard Use in English and in Portuguese” deals with the options employed in Portuguese translations of literary texts originally written in non-conventional English. Questions of identity and alterity are raised as this kind of English is identifed in this study as playing a signifcant role in defning the features of a specifc character or contributing decisively to the action of a novel, or even in  marginalising the Other. In “Gender Indeterminacy in Translation: the Case of R. L. Stine’s Give Yourself Goosebumps Gamebooks via Portuguese Translation”, Ana Brígida Paiva discusses the gender identity options of the translators of  gamebooks from English into Portuguese, keeping in mind the target readership and the gender ambiguity existing in the original text which might possibly lead to manipulation in the fnal version.
As a discipline, Anglo-Portuguese Studies demands the study of the languages of the countries in question. This aspect is of particular
importance in the present issue. Right from the start, in the Projects section, there are two texts, the frst by Miguel Alarcão, on the cartography of the term “Portingale”, entitled “‘Indeed by birth, I am a Portingale’: Para uma Cartografa do Termo”, and the second by Catarina Castro, “Pedagogia por Tarefas: um Projecto de Formação Inicial de Professores de Inglês”, which describes an innovative project for the training teachers of English. In the Studies section Pedro Marques assesses the presence of Portuguese language Courses in the
curricula of British Universities, under the heading “A Widely Spoken Lesser-Taught Language: Portuguese in British Higher Education”. When I took over as editor of this journal, with issue no.23/2014, whenever appropriate, I attempted to defne the scope of AngloPortuguese Studies as a multidisciplinary area, affrming that amongst other features, they were the product of interaction between different areas, amongst which I did not include music, perhaps because until now there have been few studies in this specifc area which have been written from an Anglo-Portuguese viewpoint. The present issue has flled this gap with the publication of an article by Patricia Chanely Silva, entitled “Pela Luz de uma Canção em Terras Estranhas: a Referência à Música Pop Anglófona na Poesia de Rui Pires Cabral”, where she analyses the intertextual dialogue between Anglophone pop music and the poetry of the refered author. Two of the most experienced peer reviewers of this Journal – George Monteiro and Patricia Odber de Baubeta – are retiring this
year from the Editorial Committee, the former not before gracing this issue with two contributions in the Projects section, one on Antero de Quental and the other on Mary McCarthy, on whom, incidentally, a Masters dissertation was recently presented under the title
Mary McCarthy e Portugal (1942-2017): (Não-) Tradução, Estudos de Género e Censura. I would like to thank both for their excellent work over so many years as well as their dedication to this Journal and to Anglo-Portuguese Studies as a subject. Two new colleagues have already taken their places: Rui Monteiro of Nottingham University and Paulo Melo e Castro of Glasgow University. We wish every success to both of them and long life as international peer reviewers for this Journal.

30th September 2018
Gabriela Gândara Terenas