Journal of

Anglo-Portuguese Studies

Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses

About the Journal

Founded in 1990 by Professor Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, the Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies has been edited since 2014 by Prof. Gabriela Gândara Terenas and internationally peer-reviewed by Professors Rui Miranda (Associate Professor – University of Nottingham, UK) e Paul de Melo e Castro (Lecturer – University of Glasgow, UK). The peer reviewers assess the acceptability of the articles  according to  the following criteria: conformity with the norms of publication; suitability of topic for the scope of the journal; pertinacity, originality and theoretical framework of the article; appropriacy of the critical methodology employed; clarity of presentation, argument and the relationship between starting hypotheses and results.

Fundada em 1990 pela Professora Doutora Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, a Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies é dirigida, desde 2014, pela Prof.ª Doutora Gabriela Gândara Terenas e internacionalmente peer reviewed pelos Professores Paulo de Medeiros (Professor Catedrático na Universidade de Warwick, Reino Unido), Rui Miranda (Professor Associado na Universidade de Nottingham, Reino Unido) e Paul de Melo e Castro (Leitor na Universidade de Glasgow, Reino Unido) .


The journal is divided into three sections: I) Projects (information on work in progress), II) Studies (original research articles) and III) Critical Reviews (on recently published work within the scope of the respective area of studies). All the published work falls within the scope of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, a multidisciplinary and comparatistic area of studies par excellence, which has long been recognised as an autonomous field in academic circles both at home and abroad. The product of the encounter between several disciplines – history, sociology, philosophy, science, economics, politics, journalism, translation and the visual arts, amongst others –,  the field of Anglo-Portuguese Studies is defined by an unequivocally comparatistic perspective, albeit drawing upon different approaches in accordance with the texts chosen for analysis. Hence, the eclecticism which is a feature of the diversity of methods and theoretical approaches behind the different articles in the journal – Imagology, Translation Studies, Travel Writing, Historiography, Reception or Media Studies – offers advantages and  added value  and, above all, unlimited potential and scope.  Rather than  opting for an undefined disciplinary approach, the Anglo-Portuguese Studies Journal celebrates the wide range of methodologies which can be applied in research and study in this field, and welcomes the need to define a theoretical approach which is capable of embracing such diversity, whilst, at the same time, excluding entirely spurious applications. The articles selected should emphasise interaction between diverse disciplines and foster research based on new materials, at the same time as employing theoretical approaches which adapt methods to the object of study, rather than the contrary.

The importance of studying Anglo-Portuguese relations resides, to a great extent, upon the information (on the author and his subject) which is obtainable whenever the Self writes about the Other. The debate surrounding the Self and the Other, unity and diversity or oneness and multiplicity are indissociable from Anglo-Portuguese Studies and, indeed, from the cultural act, itself, because the comparison between cultures significantly enhances the perception of identity, by recognising a dimension which is, at once, both human and supranational, an aspect which should be visible in the articles selected for publication. In fact, the portrayal of the Other inevitably conveys a certain image of the viewer, so that the dichotomy of “culture which sees” and “culture which is seen” is a particularly sensitive issue in this context, which implies that this aspect is omnipresent across all the articles chosen for publication. Devoting itself to a wider knowledge of the study of Portuguese or English-speaking countries, from the earliest days of Anglo-Portuguese relations (12th century) to the present, the Journal covers every period in which there was any form of contact between the two cultures. In this intercultural dialogue which should be a feature  of articles for publication, the “aesthetic of diversity” is expressed as an interest in the Other, in difference and alterity, whilst the “aesthetic of identity” is expressed by the definition of  the Self, with all the intellectual marks left by  its own culture.