Through Portugal: From a British Traveller’s Deconstruction of the Spanish Image of Portugal to the Promotion of the Country as a Tourist Destination

Through Portugal (1907), a travel account written by the Hispanist, Martin Andrew Sharp Hume (1843-1910), invites examination from two complimentary angles. Due to Spanish ancestry on his mother’s side, Hume lived for a time in Spain, an experience which would mark his view of other countries and cultures. Hence, the first part of the present article will attempt to assess how far his experience of life in Spain gave him a stereotyped view of the neighbouring country – Portugal – which the author systematically deconstructs along his account. As I will attempt to show, it is the (re)discovery of the “Other” filtered not through what had been previously written by other British “Selfs” but rather by what “other Others”, the  Spanish, had passed on to him. In the second part the impact of the book on the English-speaking world will be examined, linking it to the promotion of tourism to Portugal carried out by the Sociedade Propaganda de Portugal.

Keywords: Deconstruction; Images; Spain; Portugal; Tourism; Sociedade Propaganda;
Palavras chave: Desconstrução; Imagens; Espanha; Portugal; Turismo; Sociedade Propaganda;

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Gabriela Gândara Terenas is the Executive Coordinator of the Department of Languages, Cultures and Literatures at NOVA FCSH, where she has taught many different subjects, including AngloPortuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, Cultural Theory, Translation Studies, History of Britain, English Literature and Culture, and NorthAmerican Literature and Culture. She is an Associate Professor with Aggregation in Languages, Literatures and Cultures (special area Studies of Culture/Anglo-Portuguese Studies). Her special area of  interest is Anglo-Portuguese Studies, a field in which she has published more than fifty studies, including articles, chapters of books and the two following books: Entre a História e a Ficção: as Invasões Francesas em Narrativas Portuguesas e Britânicas (Lisboa: Editora Caleidoscópio, 2012); and O Portugal da Guerra Peninsular. A Visão dos Militares Britânicos (1808-1812) (Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2000 / 2nd edition: 2010).





Como citar / How to cite:

Terenas, Gabriela Gândara, Through Portugal: From a British Traveller’s Deconstruction of the Spanish Image of Portugal to the Promotion of the Country as a Tourist Destination.” Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses / Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, no. 30, 2021, pp. 201-220.doi: